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Ningbo Lehui Food Machinery Co.,Ltd

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Mash Filter Technique
Suspension type of Mash Filter; Membranes Mash Filter The Mash Filter Technique machine ues fully automatic control. Moisture content of discharged spent grain cake: ≤70% Up to 25T charge per filter, it is able to fulfill the filtration for brew length of 130m3.
Preparation System
The fully auto tea drinks, fruit juice and syrup preparing system includes tea leaf extraction, tea powder or auxiliary material dissolution, fruit juice and vegetable juice preparation, high-speed sugar dissolving device, hot water preparing system, CIP cleaning system, PLC auto system, etc. Sterile tank for aseptic packaging line of milk and beverage and double mixing jacketed kettle and other pressure vessels for processing of various foods, spices and sauces
Lehui’s central heating pasteurizing sterilizer is a kind of new sterilizer which has such advantages as precision pasteurizing unit control, high efficiency, shorter installation time, etc. LHPBSJ series energy-saving sterilizer is independently designed central heating energy-saving pasteurizing sterilizer based on conventional double-layer tunnel sterilizer and aimed at energy saving and water saving, which deploys pasteurizing sterilization process to biologically sterilize bottled beer.
Filler & Capper
Lehui’s M-Filling LHPBGY filler deploys mechanical filing valve and is applicable to the filling of beer and CO2 container beverage. This filler can be applicable to the filling of different bottles through the quick replacement of star wheel assembly and meet the demands of different levels through quick replacement of muffler as well as deploys secondary evacuation.
Bottle Washer
The glass bottle requires cleaning completely prior to filling regardless of new bottles or recycled bottles to ensure that the safety and shelf life of beer and beverage.
Fermentation Tank/BBT
With years of experiences in tank fabrication and installation, Lehui has produced thousands of fermentor and BBTs. And set up the mathematic model for simulation of temperature drop, which solves the problem concerning momentum, energy and quality transfer in the process of fermentation. For the time being, Lehui successfully designed and manufactured fermentor, whose diameter is 7500mm and net volume is 600m3 with ideal cooling speed.
Thermal Energy Recovery Plant
To increase wort temperature which heated by thermal energy water only as much as possible, it can be reached above 95°C to reduce consumption of live steam at the later stage.
Wort Kettle System
Design Data of Wort Kettle: Forced External Circulation Boiling; Bottom pushing Inner Circulation Boiling; Low Pressure Boiling and Normal Pressure Boiling;
Lauter Tun System
Driving device: Apply gimbaled frequency conversion control on speed reducing system and use electric lifting instead of conventional hydraulic lifting,as well as less maintenance, failures and leakage.
Mashing / Rice Cooking System
Internal dimple jacket; External half-pipe steam jacket; Specially designed stirrer of rice cooker and mash tun facilitates mixing process with lower shear force and higher heat conductivity.
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